No doubt! Social Networking sites have definetely changed our lives such as individuals and society as a whole in positive and negative ways. The main reason for the existence of these sites today, is because people are able to stay in touch with their family and friends while they are hundreds of miles away.

One of the most popular network sites is Myspace, but was lately replaced by Facebook and they both provide the same benefits to their users. For instance, as mentioned in the article Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Qourum “the pluses include easier contacts with friends, and increased chances to make new friends and create a community, as well as find romantic relationships. Even the advertising may be a plus, because it is targeted to the particular interests of the user.” In addition, on these sites users are able to upload photos, videos and links to share random ideas with their friends by simply updating their statuses on what they up to at all times. Keep in mind that users have control over the privacy of their profiles and only they can decide wether to make their profile public or private and which information to share with others and which not.

Social Networking Sites have become a very useful tool to businesses regardless of their expertise, mainly when it comes down to certain tasks like hiring new employees, promoting sales or even get feedback on their products and service provided to customers. As the tittle itself says Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting. Businesses are able to find very qualified individuals who meet a certain criteria required for a particular job simply by looking up their profile where they have access to relevant information such as personal and professional.

Despite of all the advantages, the appearance of social networking sites may be deceiving. According to Judith Donath the dark side hidden behind the bright side of these network sites relies on the fact “they devalue the meaning of “friend.” Our traditional notion of friendship embraces trust, support, compatible values, etc. On social network sites, a “friend” may simply be someone on whose link you have clicked.” It’s been proven that each day people go on their sites for long hours simply to try to increase their number of friends and seeking to get a sense of acceptance among others. This is more like a competition looking for which has the most, but in fact this might be a sign of isolation between individuals. However, it’s up to each individual to make the best use of social networking sites.

Social Networking is like a chain of events that continuously change over time. At first when any network site is created people find it entertaining to have but later on when it gets boring and loses popularity; they are replaced by other sites with better features. Since social network sites are part of new media they lose value rapidly as time goes by, and what is new today will become old tomorrow or the day after.